Example Theater Large | Theater

Unrestricted Contributions
The Unrestricted Contributions KIPI score shows your organizations relative performance on the percentage of total expenses covered by unrestricted contributions
Your Unrestricted Contributed KIPI Score
Your Unrestricted Contributed Revenue
Your Total Expenses

Return on Fundraising
The Return on Fundraising KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on fundraising return on investment: total contributed revenue divided by total fundraising expenses (including personnel).
Your Return on Fundraising KIPI Score
Your Total Contributed Revenue
Your Fundraising Expenses

Trustee Contributions
The Trustee Contributions KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the percentage of total expenses covered by trustee contributions: unrestricted trustee contributions divided by total expenses (before depreciation).
Your Trustee Contributions KIPI Score
Your Unrestricted Trustee Contributions
Your Total Expenses

Individual Contributions
The Individual Contributions KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the percentage of total expenses covered by individual contributions: unrestricted individual contributions divided by total expenses (before depreciation).
Your Individual Contributions KIPI Score
Your Individual Contributions
Your Total Expenses

Corporate Contributions
The Corporate Contributions KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the percentage of total expenses covered by corporate contributions: unrestricted corporate contributions divided by total expenses (before depreciation).
Your Corporate Contributions KIPI Score
Your Corporate Contributions
Your Total Expenses

Foundation Support
The Foundation Support KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the percentage of total expenses covered by foundation support: unrestricted foundation support divided by total expenses (before depreciation).
Your Foundation Support KIPI Score
Your Foundation Support
Your Total Expenses

Government Support
The Government Support KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the percentage of total expenses covered by total government support (local, state, and federal): unrestricted government support divided by total expenses (before depreciation).
Your Government Support KIPI Score
Your Government Support
Your Total Expenses

Earned Revenue

Earned Revenue
The Earned Revenue KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the percentage of total expenses covered by earned revenue: unrestricted earned revenue (excluding capital gains) divided by total expenses (before depreciation).
Your Earned Revenue KIPI Score
Your Total Earned Revenue
Your Total Expenses

Program Revenue per Attendee
The Program Revenue per Attendee KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the amount of program revenue earned per person who participated in the organization’s program offerings. A high number = revenue was relatively high.
Your Program Revenue KIPI Score
Your Program Revenue
Your In-person Attendence

Relational Revenue
The Relational Revenue KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the percentage of total expenses covered by earned revenue from members and/or subscribers: unrestricted subscription/membership earned revenue divided by total expenses (before depreciation).
Your Program Revenue KIPI Score
Your Membership & Subscription
Your Total Expenses


Investment in Program Personnel
The Investment in Program Personnel KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the percentage of total expenses allocated to salaried & non-salaried artists and program personnel compensation: Total compensation of salaried and non-salaried artist and program personnel divided by total expenses (before depreciation)

Your Investment in Program Personnel KIPI Score
Your Program Personnel Compensation
Your Total Expenses

Investment in Program
The Investment in Program KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the amount of total expenses invested in direct program expenses (includes personnel, production materials, etc): total direct program expenses divided by total expenses (before depreciation).
Your Investment in Program KIPI Score
Your Total Direct Program Expenses
Your Total Expenses

Marketing Impact

Response to Total Marketing Efforts
The Response to Total Marketing KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the the number of people who attend in person for every dollar spent on marketing (including personnel): total in-person attendance divided by marketing expenses (including personnel).
Your Response to Marketing Efforts KIPI Score
Your Total Physical Attendance Expenses
Your Total Marketing Expenses

Return on Total Marketing Efforts
The Return on Total Marketing KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the amount of program revenue earned for every dollar spent on marketing (including personnel): program revenue divided by marketing expenses (including personnel).
Your Return on Marketing Efforts KIPI Score
Your Program Revenue
Your Total Marketing Expenses

Bottom Line

Operating Surplus (after depreciation)
The Operating Surplus (after depreciation) KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the operating surplus or deficit divided by the total expenses after depreciation.
Your Operating Surplus (after depreciation) KIPI Score
Your Operating Revenue (after depr.)
Your Expenses

Operating Surplus
The Operating Surplus (before deprec.) KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the operating surplus or deficit divided by the total expenses before depreciation.
Your Operating Surplus (before deprec.) KIPI Score
Your Operating Revenue (before deprec.)
Your Expenses

Unrestricted Surplus
The Unrestricted Surplus KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the total unrestricted revenue divided by the total expenses before depreciation.
Your Unrestricted Surplus KIPI Score
Your Total Unrestricted
Your Expenses

Balance Sheet

Working Capital
The Working Capital KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance on the working capital divided by total expenses.
Your Working Capital KIPI Score
Your Unres. Current Assets
Your Unres. Current Liabilities

Cash Investments
The Working Capital KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance of available cash and investments divided by total expenses.
Your Cash & Investments KIPI Score
Your Liquid Assests
Your Total Expenses

Community Engagement

In-person Engagement
The In-person Engagment KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance of in-person touch points divided by the organizations' population.
Your In-person Engagment KIPI Score
Your In-person Touch Points
Your Population (spatially adjusted)

Total Engagement
The Total Engagement KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance of total touch points divided by the organizations' population.
Your Total Engagement KIPI Score
Your Total Touch Points
Your Population (spatially adjusted)

Program Activity

People Per Offering
The People Per Offering KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance of total number of people engaged divided by the organizations' total offerings.
Your People Per Offering KIPI Score
Your Total Touch Points
Your Total Offerings


Visitor to Staff
TThe Visitor to Staff KIPI score shows your organization's relative performance of total number of people attending in-person divided by the organizations' number of full-time employees.
Your Visitor to Staff KIPI Score
Your Total In-person Attendance
Your Total Full-Time Employees